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Watercolor Paintings


Barn Owl watercolor.jpg


"Barn Owl"

There are no prints available for sale yet.
11" x 14"



Reference Photo



14" x 20" Arches Hot Pressed 140 lb paper

100% Cotton


This reference photo was not ideal because it was too blurry and she was overexposed. I had to use several other photos of her to get the markings on her head and color correct.

Kallie Painting.jpg


"Frankie the Cat on the Couch"
11" x 14"



Reference Photo



"Jasmine the Cat on the Couch"

This is a portrait of my sister's cat
11" x 14"

jasmine on couch.jpg


Reference Photo

Jasmine Watercolor.jpg
head shot Golden-headed lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysomelas).jpg


Reference Photo


"Golden -Headed Lion Tamarin"

Prints are not yet available for sale.

Please let me know if you would like to order a print.

11" x 14"

Golden-headed lion tamarin.jpg
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